We are a multigenerational group of people from all walks of life who have different professional backgrounds and live across Germany. We all dedicate time and work for Ecohimal on voluntary basis. Some of us are working in development cooperation while others are driven by their motivation to achieve positive things together. What holds us together is our common goal: we want to improve the living conditions of people.
Clemens Rossmanith
“I first came to Nepal for an internship with EcoHimal Nepal in 2015. During the four months in Nepal I learned an incredible amount about people’s lives and the challenges they face every day. When the earthquakes shook the country, I was directly affected and experienced both the destruction and the incredible solidarity of people. After returning home I collected donations to repair the school in the village where I lived at that time and kept on returning to Nepal ever since. In total I have spent almost a year in the country and built up a good network. Today I am living and working in Nepal as a consultant for a German organisarion. I am keen to develop and promote own projects with EcoHimal that really have impact on the people!”
Carmen Lehr
“I started getting involved with EcoHimal before I even went to Nepal, as I had an interest in the region, its people, and their lives. Since then, I have been to the country myself and am pleased that I can contribute to making a difference for the people in Nepal through my work on the organization’s external image and graphic design. I work as an architect and live in Freiburg.”
Carolin Schorge
“In 2020, I volunteered for the first time in a school construction project in Nepal. The beauty and culture of the country immediately fascinated me. I am all the more delighted to now be professionally involved in development cooperation projects in Nepal as a project coordinator and to combine this with my commitment to the association. It is important to me that we see the local people as a whole, with all their needs, wishes, and dreams, and involve them in our work and projects. Only in this way can projects bring about sustainable changes.”
Sabine Rossmanith
“The idea of founding an association for cooperation with Nepal immediately inspired me. It’s great fun to work with such diverse people towards a common goal and see how everyone contributes in their own way. Ultimately, our commitment is due to a terrible event – the earthquakes in spring 2015. At that time, we were all affected and paralyzed by the images and news from Nepal. Now I am looking forward to the future and hope that we will find many like-minded people and donors for our projects.”
Anna Lambrecht
“I’m Anna. In 2021, I visited Nepal for the first time with Clemens, Nicole, and Marvin. Getting to know the country was incredibly fun. I was especially struck by the friendliness of the people, the vibrant colors, and the impressive nature.
I live in Munich and work as a consultant for municipal climate protection. That’s why our stove projects are particularly important to me because, in addition to improving the health of the villagers, they also protect the Nepalese mountain forests and the climate.”
Nicole Piechatzek
“Already during my studies, I was fascinated by the people, culture, and unique nature of Nepal. Through an internship, I had the opportunity to spend several months in Nepal in 2017 for the first time. Since then, the country has held a special place in my life – I have formed important friendships and feel connected to the country.
As a consultant in development cooperation, I work mainly on issues related to education and infrastructure, and I can use my professional experience in my voluntary work. EcoHimal is a matter of the heart for everyone involved, and I am looking forward to exciting projects!”
Marvin Melzer
“I joined EcoHimal soon after the founding of the organisation because I wanted to contribute to something meaningful in my free-time. I am an environmental engineer and very interested in everything related to climate change, agriculture and natural resource management. I had the chance to visit an agriculture project of EcoHimal in Nepal and as a passionate beekeeper I got inspired to bring in my own experience in future projects. I also take care of our two EcoHimal – bee colonies. The proceeds from the honey sales go to our projects every year.”