
Who we are

We are a multigenerational group of people from all walks of life who have different professional backgrounds and live across Germany. We all dedicate time and work for Ecohimal on voluntary basis. Some of us are working in development cooperation while others are driven by their motivation to achieve positive things together. Read more

Donation for stoves

For our first project, we are collecting donations for ovens in the Arun valley. Help us that as many households as possible benefit from it! Donate now »

Our approach

We are an independent organisation, but we are fortunate to have access to a network of experienced partners with whom we work together closely. ..more

Our goals

We personally care about the fate of the people in Nepal. It is our aim to promote social, ecological and economic development by working together at eye-level. ..more

Our values

Working on an equal footing means that we respect the culture and lifestyle of the people in Nepal and stand for mutual learning. It also implies, of course, ..more

Our projects

We particularly support projects in remote and rural mountain regions of Nepal. Life in the world’s highest mountains has given rise to a variety of local livelihoods ..more

Make a difference with your donation!

We need your support to achieve our goals! You can donate to our current projects or become a supporting member of EcoHimal. In case you would like to become actively involved yourself, we are open for your help and ideas and always look forward to motivated (new) members.